The Art of the Visit | SESSION FIVE


Each of our five webinar sessions contain two parts - an inspirational message from the scriptures and a skills development section containing several modules.

Inspirational Message for Session Five

“The Easy Yoke”

[Click here to read or download a print version.]

Skills Development Section

This session provides ideas on how to handle some of the challenges of caring for others in need. This session includes the following modules:

Module 1: Practicing self-care

Module 2: Caution points

Module 3: Reaching out for support and accessing resources

Module 1: Practicing Self-Care

What to expect: We will be exploring some ideas about practicing self-care, caution points, and reaching out for support and accessing resources.

Audio file for Module 1 : Practicing Self-Care (slides 1-15)
To be played along with the self-advanced slides below.

To begin, click the “play button.” Then scroll down a little to see the presentation slides. Advance to the next slide by clicking on the right arrow button (>). Slides 1 - 15.

Module 2: Caution Points

What to expect: We will be discussing a few “caution points” or things we may observe that are cause to pause and reflect upon.

Audio file for Module 2 : Caution Points (slides 16-27)
To be played along with the self-advanced slides below.

To begin, click the “play button.” Then scroll down a little to see the presentation slides. Advance to the next slide by clicking on the right arrow button (>). Slides 16 - 27.

Module 3: Reaching Out for Support/Resources

What to expect: We’re going to talk about the idea of reaching out for support and accessing additional resources, including ideas about handling emergencies, non-emergencies, and how to assist and empower others. 

Audio file for Module 3 : Reaching out for support/resources (slides 28-35)
To be played along with the self-advanced slides below.

To begin, click the “play button.” Then scroll down a little to see the presentation slides. Advance to the next slide by clicking on the right arrow button (>). Slides 28 - 35.

Featured Articles from the Christian Science Publishing Society Relating to Self-Care

True self-care,” Larissa Snorek, The Christian Science Sentinel, January 11, 2021

Program Resource

Support Resources Provided by The Principle Foundation - The Caring for Christian Scientists Call Center,, The Principle Foundation general fund, The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing.

Care and Caregiving - Program 824,” Tim Mitchinson, Paulette Watkins, Sentinel Radio Edition, June 14, 2008

Happy to hear from you!

Please share your thoughts and questions about your experience with the session on “Self-Care.” Be sure to include somewhere in your reply the title of this session.

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