1. Introduction
2. Self-Aware
3. Relating
4. Communicate
5. Self-Care
The Art of the Visit | SESSION ONE
Introduction to a Ministry of Christian Fellowship
A day in the life of a Christian Fellowship Ministry
“Reaching Out”
Each of our five webinar sessions contain two parts - an inspirational message from the scriptures and a skills development section containing several modules.
Inspirational Message for Session One
“Seeking and Finding What Is True”
[Click here to read or download a print version.]
Skills Development Section for Session One
This overview of the four sessions that follow, covers the four skill topics (self-awareness, relating to others, communicating, and self-care). Below are the learning modules for Session One. This session can be used for an in-person workshop, a presentation by Zoom for an on-line workshop, or a self-paced study opportunity.
Module 1: Webinar Series Overview
What to expect: Core Values, 3 objectives, 6 learning goals, and overview of the 5 webinar sessions.
Audio file for Module 1 - What to Expect
To be played along with the self-advanced slides below.
To begin, click the “play button.” Then scroll down a little to see the presentation slides. Advance to the next slide by clicking on the right arrow button (>).
Module 2: Let’s Get Started
What to expect: Facilitator’s Role, Community Ground Rules, “A Christian Fellowship Ministry is …”, Key Functions, A Ministry in action.
Audio file for Module 2 - Let’s Get Started
To be played along with the self-advanced slides below.
Featured Articles from the Christian Science Publishing Society related to Care-Giving
“A helping hand,” Ingrid Peschke, Christian Science Journal, April 2006
“Compassion – divinity embracing humanity,” Tricia Chantha, Christian Science Sentinel, Sentinel Watch, MARCH 9, 2020
“Serving God: caring for others in need,” Barbara Vining, Christian Science Sentinel, April 6, 2015
AT HOME in the love of our neighbor, Ruth Elizabeth Jenks, Christian Science Sentinel, September 1, 2003
A Spiritual Approach to Care-Giving, Ginny Luedeman, C.S.B. and Cate Vincent, Christian Science Sentinel, March 15, 2011
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