Frequently Asked Questions
CoCC is not directly affiliated with The Mother Church. It is akin to many other Christian Science activities whose aim is to support the well-being and progress of Christian Scientists. These other organizations, which will no doubt be familiar to you, include The Principle Foundation, Christian Science nursing facilities, Adventure Unlimited, Discovery Bound, The Longyear Museum, and Christian Science prison ministry activities. None of these organizations are specifically mentioned in the Church Manual, but they are of great interest to many Christian Scientists for various reasons. Some of these are supported by The Mother Church in various ways.
You could think of CoCC as included in the definition of “Church” found in the Glossary of the Christian Science textbook (S&H 583:12) as part of that wonderful word, “whatever.” We aim to be part of that “whatever” that rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle. We hope to be an “institution, which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race ...” So, even though we are not a church or part of an established church, we are an expression of Church according to that definition. We also will not influence or interfere with any established church.
Educational and awareness programs conducted by CoCC focus on companion-level care and do not involve skilled nursing care as does Christian Science nursing.
CoCC provides awareness and educational opportunities that focus on what is involved in companion care. Companion care can be thought of as an aspect of [Christian Science] nursing, but the information presented in CoCC educational programs would not be considered as Christian Science nurses training. It can be complementary to it in that part of a community advocate’s role may include knowledge of when and how Christian Science nursing care should be called upon as a resource for that church community.
The qualifications needed to be a “Christian Science nurse” are specifically addressed in the Manual of the Mother Church. Some of the qualities of the Christian Science nurse, (such as being cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, and receptive to Truth and Love) are similar to those needed for companion care. However, the educational and awareness programs of CoCC do not address skilled Christian Science nursing care.
Many ongoing CoCC programs have been initiated or supported by Christian Science nurses who are members of that church community. It is not required, however, to have a Christian Science nurse in one’s church community. But it is desirable to know how a Christian Science nurse (near your community) can be contacted.
Generally, there is no “cookie cutter” approach. Each community has its own unique needs. Those needs should be evaluated first to develop the program that is right for your community. Here are some typical steps that could help you get started.
The first step may involve finding one or two people within your church community to act as church community advocates, helping to inspire, develop, and encourage those willing to form a CoCC group of caregivers. This should be an easy task if your church already has an established care committee.
The next step could involve encouraging and inspiring, even awakening, within individuals in your community the natural desire to love and help one another through a ministry of impersonal prayer and good deeds.
You can always contact the CoCC Committee to find out what educational and networking resources are available to prepare or continually improve the ministry of those providing care. You can visit our website, or simply email us at and let us know what’s on your mind. We would love to hear from you.
The “Caring for Christian Scientists” Call Center (C4) is a program of the Principle Foundation. It is a way to reach someone by phone to get help, information, and ideas regarding housing, care, and assistance options that are consistent with the practice of Christian Science. Experienced Christian Scientists (including Christian Science nurses) answer the phone each day and respond to messages within 24 hours. Sometimes a call will come in that only needs the Christlike touch of a friend.
This is when CoCC might likely be called. When we receive a call for simple care needs, we try to find someone within the caller's community who might be able to assist. We are a sponsored program of the Principle Foundation whose purpose is to help Christian Science church communities respond to the simpler needs of Christian Scientists within those communities, or those open to a Christian Science approach to caring, healing, and wellbeing.
Church care committee work
For years, many branch churches and societies have established care committees as one of their ministering activities to members. They often consist of one or more church members who help others in their church who have simple needs. Sometimes these committees want to learn more about what they can do for their church members and, more importantly, how to do it and what helpful resources may be available. Some churches without care committees want to know how they can start one. This is an area where the CoCC or a Christian Science nurse can assist.Communities of Christian Caring (CoCC)
The CoCC is a sponsored program of The Principle Foundation, (which also sponsors the “Caring for Christian Scientists Call Center,” “,” and a general needs granting program for Christian Scientists). CoCC is devoted to supporting church care committees with information resources and ideas on how to care for those having simple needs that don’t require skilled Christian Science nursing care. They also help churches, that don’t have a care committee, with ideas on how to start one. CoCC support includes CoCC Advocate Support Group meetings, and web-based information (including an online self-paced webinar on how to start your own “Christian Fellowship Ministry.” CoCC is a provider of information, networking, and communication.Christian Science Nurse
This is a Christian Science healing ministry established in the Manual of the Mother Church (Article VIII, Section 31) and managed by the Christian Science Nursing Activities Department of The Mother Church. Christian Science nurses go through years of training and experience in practice, in order to help Christian Scientists who need various levels of Christian Science nursing care. Some care skills are easier to accomplish than others. Some simple assistance can be accomplished by church members. The approach to this assistance has been presented in workshops to church members by qualified Christian Science nurses. In some situations, Christian Science nurses find that a care committee member can be of great help in simple aspects of care for one of their patients. The CoCC program can often help a church community find a qualified Christian Science nurse who can provide workshops to prepare them for this.